A long-ago writer once said that whether people weave burlap or gold thread into the fabric of our lives, “both make the whole picture beautiful and unique.” At MCG, we see the truth of those words play out in organizations every day. As a result, we never take a one-size-fits-all approach to meeting our clients’ needs. Instead, we recognize that every business is as complex and unique as the people whose work moves it forward. That’s why our top priority is helping our clients bring their histories and missions to life. We also offer retainer options that allow us to engage with clients after the initial planning phases have ended.
Each of the following service offerings are tailored to meet our clients’ specific needs.
Strategic Planning
Through assessments and planning methods, MCG creates a roadmap that provides measurable outcomes. We focus on both the strategic and tactical objectives, ensuring that long and short-term issues are identified, a thorough plan is developed and that realistic results are achieved.
Organizational Effectiveness and Change
We help align strategies, people, processes and technology. In this way, we help organizations create an accountable, team-driven culture that is innovative, focused on providing stellar customer service and dedicated to delivering high-quality products.
Strategic Facilitation
Strategic facilitation uncovers the challenges and the opportunities facing an organization. MCG offers a variety of facilitation techniques to foster a dialogue, reveal a diverse set of ideas and build consensus for success.
Leadership Coaching
Through assessment, coaching, introspective dialogue, and skill-building activities, MCG works with individuals to help them develop their talents and create greater opportunities for personal and professional growth.